30 January 2011

Mojito Cupcakes

Okay so admittedly these are not the prettiest cupcakes, and you will be hard pressed to find these appearing in Donna Hay anytime soon. But you know what, I don't care! So what if I can't pipe icing? These are the first things I have baked since leaving New Zealand, so I am pretty stoked.

Yesterday, while on the way to the supermarket I got a voice message from one of my recruiters saying she had a temp job for me starting next Monday. Seeing as I have been jobless for a month I prematurely bought a bottle of rum to celebrate.. and knowing my luck, by the time I called her back, the job was gone. So now I had this bottle of rum and nothing to celebrate. CURSES! So I decided to bake mojito cupcakes using this recipe, whose cupcake are far more photogenic than mine. The icing I made up, I don't tend to measure these thing out, but basically it was icing sugar, a lot of rum, peppermint essence and lime juice. So while they didn't look fantastic, they sure tasted it!



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